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Personal Data Protection

The manager

Official company name: Prostt d.o.o.
Headquarters: Partizanska cesta 32, 2000 Maribor, Slovenia

Use, extent and purpose of storage and processing

Prostt d.o.o. collects personal information obtained through the online form.

The purpose of collecting information on the Prostt website is only business nature, which means that if you fill out a form for business cooperation, you agree that for the purpose of further communication, your personal information is stored in our database, based on the legitimate interest of the company. Prostt d.o.o. in this case, it processes and stores your information for the purpose of further cooperation.

Prostt d.o.o assumes no responsibility for the authenticity, accuracy and timeliness of the personal data and contact information provided by the user. As a site user, you are responsible for ensuring that all information provided within the site is accurate and up-to-date.

Retention period

We will save the personal information of the individual by law or until the consent of the individual to store and process the individual’s data is revoked. Upon revocation of the consent of the individual, his / her personal data shall be immediately and efficiently and permanently deleted.

To the extent that the purposes described above for the purpose of which we store and process personal data files to exist in our company, the databases for which the purpose has been terminated will be immediately effectively and permanently deleted.

Rights of the individual (s)

Anyone at any time may request for their information:

  • insight,

  • correction,

  • complete erasure,

  • transfer to another provider of related services,

  • interruption of processing and storage, or withdrawal of consent for processing and storage, without prejudice to the lawfulness of the processing which, on the basis of consent or exercised consent until its revocation.

The request can be sent via e-mail or in writing by post to the company headquarters.

In the event that we would like to use personal data for further process in our company, for other purposes, than the purpose for which the personal data were collected, we will provide the individual with information about that other purpose as mentioned in this document.

To the extent that an individual believes that our rights in any way have been violated in the protection of his / her personal data, he / she may at any time file a complaint with the supervisory authority – Information Commissioner in the Republic of Slovenia: Republic of Slovenia, Information Commissioner, Zaloška 59, 1000 Ljubljana, https: / / We will do everything in our power to help an individual assert his or her rights.

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